Let's get the party started
From the very first encounter with Trojka, it was clear that the brand is much cooler than it looks. The aim of our refresh: a bottle design that is equally convincing in the club, bar and at the festival.
When it comes to high-quality drinks, Trojka knows a thing or two! For 30 years on the market, the DIWISA brand Trojka is now the most well-known spirits brand in Switzerland – with 10 exciting flavors in 8 countries!
But for a brand that primarily targets Gen Z, one thing is also clear: choosing your party drink is more than just a beverage – it's a lifestyle statement. With a fresh up, we gave the brand a new, contemporary look that captures the brand's vibe: easy-going, fun, uncomplicated.
Trojka makes the perfect party drink in no time at all – without the need for a gazillion ingredients. Whether in the club, at the bar, at a festival or at home as a host: Trojka is “the easy mixer”.
Colorful and versatile – with flavors ranging from fruity to sweet to tart – the easy mixer range has something for everyone and every occasion.
The modern, bold design and the unique bottle shape emphasize the high quality of Trojka – and make it visually fit for use in the (more exclusive) pouring area.
With 10 flavors plus special editions, differentiation combined with visual uniformity is crucial for Trojka. The bold, minimalist logo – as a central, strong element – provides the appropriate stage and a visual bracket for many colors and flavors. This way, Trojka still has a high recognition value even after the Fresh Up and offers uncomplicated navigation on the shelf, in the refrigerator or at the bar counter. The slogan “the easy mixer” further underscores the no-fuss personality of the brand.
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